My Cynical Trials

Cynically tested!

Animal: Meditations after a successful viewing

Gosh! Could not sit through the movie!

It’s too violent

Unbearable toxic masculinity

Many more such comments came my way when I asked my near and dear ones about this movie.

I waited till it released on Netflix India and watched it one lazy Sunday afternoon through a biased lens.

There are only two kinds of males, Alphas and the rest

This great wisdom is spewed by Alpha, Ranvijay Singh (played by the brilliant Ranbir Kapoor) in the first hour of Animal. He goes on to explain how women chose Alphas who could fight for them and protect. Women supposedly had “choice” back then according to the leading man. Thus establishing in bold letters that this movie is all about this Alpha!

Now since I belong to the rest, I was surprised that I actually liked the movie!

So put on your judgement hat! Walk with me here for a while. I won’t put conditions like either you are with me or against me ever! If you find anything disagreeable, you can leave anytime you like. So let’s get on with it.

An intense patchwork of scenes

If I look at each scene of this movie in isolation, most stand out. The intensity is omnipresent. The director expects the viewer to fill those large holes in-between scenes on their own. Quite a bold move for an audience which is used to being spoon-fed.

But surprise, surprise! This film worked and how!

Most of the star cast have acted well. Though Ranbir and Bobby clearly stand out, I wish Anil Kapoor a lot more to do than just scowl. Rashmika does stand out in a few scenes but all else are great props including the pretty Dimri aka Bhabhi 2

Papa the great!

The resounding success of this movie, confirms my belief that a lot of people in this country have serious daddy issues! I am not being Freudian here but think about it. Most (sons, daughters and all those children who identify themselves as whatever they want to be), who have liked the movie have / had some form of unresolved angst, resentment against their fathers. The intensity of the father-child dynamic depicted in the movie evokes emotions which have been dusted under the subconscious carpet over several years.

Hit, Shoot, Justify

I think there were just two or three such scenes in the movie but the intensity was such that people have branded this movie violent, which I think was a tad harsh. I loved the action! The production values were brilliant and of International standard!

Since time immemorial humans have been a violent lot, or dare I say the Alphas? This movie brings out that hidden ‘Animal’ appealing to a whole lot of ‘others’ like me who have this hidden rage (or desire) to unleash this mayhem of aggressive dominance in the world. A space where actions, don’t have any legal or moral consequences. This movie just helps release a lot of those closeted fantasies.

Male Dominance

The women seem to be in the background. There are few instances where they stand out on their own like the final altercation between Ranbir and Rashmika. She does stand up to her husband and asks him uncomfortable questions and isn’t afraid of his aggression. Towards the end of the movie. she walks out on Ranbir. Even though the son runs back to the father, she is still shown standing beside her car. What happens next? What call does she take? That isn’t shown, another empty space in the black, blue and red canvas of Animal

Is Animal a Satire?

The more I think about it, it feels so. A satire on how our society worships Alphas. Every damn household in this country has that one Alpha who is out to prove to the family and the world that my dick is bigger than yours.

You have no clue what I can do! Man I will fuck you and your life up so bad you won’t know what hit you etc, etc

We as a society rationalize violence. May be because it is difficult for most to stand up to it. As long as it is not happening to me, it is ok. We will wait and watch. The hero is always the victor no matter the degree of the fuck up. There are enough validations thrown your way to justify why what happened, happened!

My stand? In a relationship violence (physical or mental) is unacceptable!

This issue was aptly addressed in the critically acclaimed movie Thappad. But Animal well, is a different animal. It has provoked, evoked and triggered so many conversations and criticisms and yet managed to box its way to become one of the biggest blockbusters of 2024.

Did I identify with Ranbir’s character? Not at all.

In a parallel universe would I like to be someone like him? MAY BE!!

Note: These are my personal views and if you wish to air yours respectfully, please put them in the comments. Write, don’t fight! Any unhinged animal like behaviour will be blocked.

See you in Animal Park!

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This entry was posted on May 18, 2024 by in Movies, reflections and tagged , , , , , .


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